Magazines & Newsletters
Browse through our listing of local and state magazines and newsletters, as well as some national publications.
Local & State Homeschooling Publications
UHEA Newsletter
The UHEA Newsletter includes conference updates, trial ware, reviews, stories, classifieds, event calendars, and a legislation watch at a very affordable rate.
Salt Lake Home Educators
Newsletter published by the Salt Lake Home Educators (SLHE).
National Homeschooling Publications
Homeschooling Today Magazine
A Christian publication that focuses on offering information on the mechanics of homeschooling, support and encouragement for homeschooling parents, and updates on news and trends that affect the homeschool community. Also features columns by well known homeschooling experts.
Homeschooling newspaper with lots of articles. Read online or get the printed newpaper sent to your home free.
Home Educator's Family Times
Published six times a year by Home Educator, this publication offers research on education and homeschool issues, successful homeschool strategies, practical teaching tips, and more.
The Home School Researcher
This quarterly, refereed, scholarly journal presents basic research on home- and family-based education in areas such as socialization, academic achievement, history, and law. This unique periodical keeps home educators, researchers, and others abreast of the most current factual and theoretical research information available on home education.
Montessori International
Montessori International is the magazine for all parents and teachers. Montessori International magazine is a high quality colour education magazine with a Montessori focus and a truly child-centred approach. The magazine is for Montessori parents, nursery owners, teachers, and students with an interest in Montessori education.
The Teaching Home
A Christian magazine for home educators, The Teaching Home magazine was founded in 1980 and provides information, inspiration, and support to homeschooling families and Christian homeschool state and national organizations.
Kids' Town
Kids' Town is a magazine for homeschool kids by homeschool kids.
Tomorrow's Child: The Magazine for Montessori Parents
Tomorrow's Child magazine offers insights and information that helps parents to feel confident that Montessori will prepare their children for the real world. It will help you understand and appreciate Montessori and apply it in your home.
Secular Homeschooling Magazine
Secular Homeschooling is a non-religious quarterly magazine that reflects the diversity of the homeschooling community. Its readers and writers are committed to the idea that religious belief is a personal matter rather than a prerequisite of homeschooling. This magazine is for any homeschooler, religious or not, who is interested in good solid writing about homeschooling and homeschoolers.
Homeschooling Horizons
At Homeschooling Horizons Magazine, their goal is very simple: to provide you with the encouragement and tips needed to provide your child with a superior education. Whether you are new to home education or a veteran of many years, Homeschooling Horizons Magazine has what you need. If you are using a traditional curriculum or unschooling your child, the articles, tips, activities and stories are sure to have you nodding in agreement and learning from their varied columnists.
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Basic Montessori: Learning Activities for Under-Fives
For the first time, Basic Montessori opens the celebrated philosophy and method to a more general public. David Gettman has devised a clear and modern explanation of Montessori's revolutionary ideas about early intellectual development, and provides a step-by-step guide to the Montessori learning activities most commonly used with under-fives. These include activities for introducing reading and writing, counting and decimal concepts, science, and geography, as well as activities that help dev...
Ideas and Books: The Method of Education
A selection of Charlotte Mason's writings on the topic of the place of ideas and books in the education of children. Mason's teachings on the topic of education required six large volumes to cover. This book makes it simple for homeschooling parents to find exactly what they need to learn about Charlotte Mason's thoughts on ideas and books. The teachings and philosophies of Charlotte Mason, a British educator from the last century, are currently experiencing a revival, especially among American ...
Help for the Harried Homeschooler : A Practical Guide to Balancing Your Child's Education with the Rest of Your Life
Homeschooling moms and dads can be overwhelmed by the demands on their time. Between their children’s educational needs; their roles as spouse, parent, and more; and their own individual desires and goals, these mothers and fathers struggle to accomplish all that must be done. In Help for the Harried Homeschooler, experienced homeschooler, author, and mother of four Christine Field offers sound advice for parents who want not only to achieve homeschooling success but also to reach a balanc...
Field Trips: Bug Hunting, Animal Tracking, Bird-watching, Shore Walking
With Jim Arnosky as your guide, an ordinary hike becomes an eye-opening experience. He'll help you spot a hawk soaring far overhead and note the details of a dragonfly up close. Study the black-and-white drawings -- based on his own field research -- and you'll discover if those tracks in the brush were made by a deer or a fox.In his celebrated style, this author, artist, and naturalist enthusiastically shares a wealth of tips. Jim Arnosky wants you to enjoy watching wildlife. He carefully expla...
Reading Made Easy
Reading Made Easy is a phonics-based program, featuring 108 easy lessons, designed to be taught in less than 30 minutes per day. It is fully scripted and has original Christian content and stories. Includes hands-on writing and drawing activities. Reading Made Easy can be purchased here.